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Situations for When Your Senior May Need a Companion


Companion services are increasingly sought after as a household realizes the importance of having someone be there for their beloved senior when the rest of the family is outside the home.

Aside from this reason, there are many situations where having a companion can make sense.

  • When your senior needs support to move around the house— mobility issues caused by health complications or injuries can make even the shortest steps inside the house difficult. Hence, our companions can provide immediate assistance to ensure safety and prevent pain.
  • When your senior needs to be accompanied somewhere (from time to time), your senior loved one would be getting out of the house. Having a chaperone champion their safety and convenience on the road is ideal, whether for a doctor’s appointment or a visit to friends.
  • When your senior needs assistance in basic activities, simple house chores make their living comfortable. In addition, your senior loved one does not have to sacrifice their comfort when they have a companion to provide any assistance. We provide light housekeeping, organizing bills, and many more.

Whenever you find yourself or your senior loved one in any of these scenarios, know that our Companion Services in Fredericksburg, Virginia, are just a call away.

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