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Common Food Allergens in Seniors You Should Know


Food allergies may develop in older adults and may cause symptoms like nausea, dizziness, confusion, and fatigue. Seniors face several challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of home care. With the help of a caregiver, seniors can identify and avoid certain allergens. Likewise, here are a few food allergens common in seniors:

  • Peanuts

    Seniors can develop a peanut allergy later in life and are considered hazardous as they may cause severe reactions. Symptoms of a peanut allergy include rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, and breathing difficulties. A caregiver can help seniors eat right during their golden years to avoid allergic reactions.

  • Fruits and Vegetables

    Allergy syndrome or pollen-food allergy syndrome is when the body mistakes certain proteins in raw fruits and vegetables for the proteins found in pollen. This causes itching lips and throat, followed by redness and swelling. With meal preparation services, caregivers can ensure seniors avoid these allergens.

  • Dairy

    Dairy is another common allergen that ranges from mild to severe. Symptoms may include diarrhea, bloating, and gas. The symptoms of lactose intolerance typically begin within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption. With personal care in Virginia, seniors receive help preparing meals without dairy.

  • Soy

    Allergic reactions to soy range from mild to severe and include symptoms like itching, cough, and stomach problems. Soybeans are considered members of the same family as peanuts, and most people who are allergic to soy are also allergic to peanuts.

OptimumCare Home Care Services is your trusted home care provider, offering several services that range from live-in care to speech therapy in McLean, Virginia. Reach out to us for more information about our services.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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