There’s a lot of emotional, mental and physical stress that comes along with caring for a loved one. Whether you have the extra time or not, meeting the needs of a parent or elder is often draining and puts strain on the entire family – which is why respite family care is so vital. Caring for a disabled or elder loved one can come with a range of emotions – stress, frustration, love – feeling all three at once isn’t uncommon, either.
Respite care is designed for family members who simply need to take a break from the constant care giving and refocus on their own needs. Taking care of an elder has its share of rewards, but it can also feel overwhelming for everyone involved. Your loved one is used to being able to take care of themselves without answering to anyone, or having the independence to go about as they please. When they get older and aren’t as mobile as they once were, it is equally as frustrating for them not to be able to come and go or engage in the activities that make them happy. As for those taking care of elders or disabled loved ones, it’s never a truly convenient time – work and family obligations need to be met while taking care of family, but can often put a strain on some aspect of a caregiver’s life.
When it comes to respite care, professional home health care providers are there to step in and provide ample care and companionship to all involved. As a caregiver to a loved one, you should never feel guilty for wanting to take a break – in fact, it’s the healthy thing to do! In addition to giving yourself the mental, emotional and physical break of taking care of a family member, your loved one also receives some breathing room. Over time, the stresses of care giving might cause irritability or frustration – feelings that only exacerbate the situation. Taking a much needed step away every month or so is a good way to maintain a healthy balance of care giving and tending to your own family and needs.
Professional home health care providers are trained in every aspect of home care – from companionship services to helping with non-medical related situations, bathing and even running errands with the elder. For many families, respite care is just the thing they need to keep everyone happy and living life to the fullest.
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